Course Schedule

DateCourse ContentReadingsAssignments Due
2/2Introduction and Overview; Goals and Vision of the CourseSmith, L. T. (1999). Introduction and Conclusion

Watch this public lecture sponsored by CUNY
2/9Qualitative Research RefresherKaushik, V. & Walsh, C. A. (2019).

Tracy, S. J. (2010).

Explore QualPage blog
2/16Generating Qualitative Data: Interviewing and TranscribingPaulus, T. M., Lester, J. N., & Dempster, P. G. (2014). Chapter 5 or 6

Rulston, K. (2010). Chapter 5

Watch this video on interviewing
2/23Field Work – Conduct and Transcribe Individual Interview

*Download free version of Inqscribe transcription software*
No class

Watch tutorial video about Inqscribe
Generate and transcribe individual interview
3/2Introduction to Qualitative Data Analysis Software (QDAS)

*Download free 30-day trial of MAXQDA*
Oswald, A. G. (2017).

Paulus, T. M., Lester, J. N., & Dempster, P. G. (2014). Chapter 7

Watch tutorial video about MAXQDA
Come prepared to class with a copy of your transcribed interview
(25% of grade)
3/9Analyzing Qualitative Data Saldana, J. (2013).

Thornberg, R. & Charmaz, K. (2014).

Watch this video on qualitative data analysis
3/16Data Interpretation and Re-presentation Oswald, A. G. (2019).

Padgett, D. K. (2009).

Watch video on Creative Analytic Practices
3/23Connecting Qualitative Research to Policy and PracticeMeltzer, A. (2017).

Smit, B. (2003).

Read WHO papers on qual research
Complete qualitative data analysis and re-presentation
(25% of grade)
3/30Quantitative Research Refresher Field, A., Miles, J., & Field, Z. (2012). Chapter 1

Guo, S. (2015).

Watch video on Data Equity Issues in Quantifying Racism, Race, and Ethnicity
4/6Quantitative Data Analysis: Introduction to R open-source statistical software

*Download and explore free version of R and Rstudio
Field, A., Miles, J., & Field, Z. (2012). Chapter 3
4/13Basic and Descriptive Statistics Fisher, M. & Marshall, A. P. (2009).

Fountain, C. J., Springer, E. J., & Sward, J. R. (2018).

Watch this video on descriptive statistics
4/27Comparing Means Between Groups (t-tests)Crawford Fletcher, A. M & Akakpo, T. (2020).

Field, A., Miles, J., & Field, Z. (2012). Chapter 9

Watch this video on p values
Complete descriptive statistics handout
(10% of grade)
5/4Comparing Categorical Variables (chi-square)Brennan-Ing, M., Seidel, L., Larson, B., & Karpiak, S. E. (2014).

Field, A., Miles, J., & Field, Z. (2012). Chapter 18

Watch this video on chi-square analysis
Complete comparing means handout
(10% of grade)
5/11Communicating Findings and Knowledge MobilizationAnderson, C. R. & McLachlan, S. M. (2016).

McMillin, S. E. (2014).

Watch this video by the Morris Justice Project
Complete comparing categorical variables handout
(10% of grade)
5/18Connection Quantitative Research to Policy and Practice Smedslund, G., Dalsbø, T. K., Steiro, A. K., Winsvold, A., & Clench-Aas, J. (2011)

Teranishi, R. T. (2007).

Check out the UN statistics division
Class party: how will you use research in your future career as a social worker?