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Gender Pronouns, Classroom Respect, & Living Syllabus
Course Description & Overview 
Course Objectives
Course Expectations
Clourse Assignments & Basis for Grading
Course Competency Outcomes

Gender Pronouns, Classroom Respect, & Living Syllabus

Gender Pronouns: There is a long history of dialogue and activism around how we address one another, with respect to both names and pronouns. Students and instructors should be referred to by the name they prefer, and with the proper pronunciation, by all members of the classroom community. I will gladly honor your request to address you by the name you prefer and gender pronouns that correspond to your gender identity. Please advise me of your name’s proper pronunciation, and any name or pronouns not reflected by CUNYFirst. Students are expected to use the appropriate names and pronouns of their classmates and professor.

  • My gender pronouns are fluid and contextual. In this space, I prefer to go by they/theirs, he/him, or my name.

Classroom Respect: We will be reading material that addresses the “wicked” problems of social work which will hopefully facilitate critical debate. Feelings of anger, frustration, and hurt may arise. We are all encouraged to help create an environment that promotes learning, dignity, care, and mutual respect for everyone. Individuals who disrupt such an environment with, for example, abusive or disrespectful comments, will not be tolerated. Breaches of classroom civility will reflect poorly on your grade. Under extreme circumstances you will be asked to drop the class.

Living Syllabus: I believe that learning is best when facilitated by students and instructors, and I encourage you to share ideas/readings/videos/resources to enhance our learning. This syllabus will likely evolve as the semester develops. If there are changes, I will make the class aware of the modifications, post a revised syllabus, and provide the new material.

Course Description & Overview

SSW 752 is the second part of a two-semester course in practice-based research methods. The major goal of the two-course sequence is to enhance your capacity to identify problems, interventions and reach valid and reliable conclusions about your practice through research. Quantitative and qualitative research approaches are given equal emphasis as strategies for evaluating one’s practice. Readings and discussion of issues concerning ethnicity, race, gender, sexual orientation and concerns of subjugated populations are essential features of this course.  Attention to these issues is integrated throughout all stages of the research process, including problem identification; research design; sampling; measurement; data analysis and interpretation of findings.

More specifically, in this course students develop the knowledge and skills needed for implementing and reporting on the results of social work research studies that can be used to build knowledge, assess the effectiveness of program interventions, improve practice at all levels and empower clients, workers, groups, organizations, and communities. This course will focus on data analysis, interpretation, and reporting. Students will learn both quantitative and qualitative analysis.  For qualitative analysis, we will usin Qualitative Data Analysis Software, specifically MAXQDA 2020, to code and categorize data. For quantitative analysis, R open-source statistical software will be employed for univariate, bivariate and multi-variate analysis.

Course Objectives

At the end of this course, students are to demonstrate that they have mastered the basic knowledge and skills in research methodology through completion of linked assignments. Students will be able to:

    1. Understand principles and tactics of social work research
    2. Understand and implement methods of quantitative and qualitative data collection and analysis
    3. Apply concepts and demonstrate techniques of descriptive and inferential statistics
    4. Apply concepts and demonstrate techniques for analyzing qualitative data
    5. Identify publicly available data that align with topics of interest
    6. Demonstrate sensitivity to issues of potential bias in the conduct of research with marginalized populations or other populations of diverse racial, ethnic, cultural or other identities including gender, sexual orientation, age, disability, socioeconomic status
    7. Demonstrate ability to use ongoing feedback to complete data analysis and dissemination of research and to evaluate their own and the practice of their organizations in the future
    8. Present research results to key stakeholders for community action and/or improvement of individual, group, community, or organization practice
Course Expectations

Course Format & Requirements

Modes of instruction will include weekly in-person class seminars along with asynchronous work on the course site, written and/or digital assignments. Individual and group in-class activities will be used to provide application of content, theories, and concepts.

 Course Policies

Any alternative arrangements such as deadline extensions will be permitted at the discretion of the instructorin the case of an emergency. If there are extenuating circumstances, the instructor must be informed prior tothe date/time of the due date of the assignment. Any assignments or exams that are not completed asscheduled will be recorded as a “0”.

  • Please note: Professor will return all emails within 48 hours and will reply to emails sent on Saturday or Sunday on Monday’s by 5pm. 

Course Conduct

Professional conduct: As a professional school, standards of appropriate ethical conduct are always expected of students including in the classroom (both virtual and in-person).

  • Students should refrain from texting and from answering or making cell phone calls in class, or from browsing the internet (for content unrelated to class) on any portable electronic devices while in class.
  • Students are expected to comply with the College’s policies and regulations outlined in the Campus Code of Conduct and Student Handbook.

In accordance with the emphasis on ethical conduct in the social work profession, students are expected to incorporate the highest ethical standards in every element of their work and to conduct themselves in ways that manifest the maturity and emotional stability necessary to function as professionals.

Examples of poor academic performance and misconduct that will subject the student to disciplinary action or dismissal from the program includes the following:

  1. Violations of the College policy on Academic Integrity (e.g., plagiarism).
  2. Behavior determined to be a violation of College or School policies or regulations.
  3. Behavior determined to be a violation of the profession’s ethics (e.g., the NASW Code of Ethics).
  4. Behaviors that do not meet professional expectations and standards, which include generally accepted standards of professional conduct, personal integrity, or emotional stability.
  5. Behaviors determined to be unprofessional conduct towards colleagues, faculty, or staff.

Plagiarism: All forms of dishonesty violate the Hunter Policy on Academic Integrity. This includes cheating on exams, failing to give credit for the ideas or words belonging to another person, submitting work that has previously earned credit as your own, submitting work from another student as your own, or submitting work bought or work that was downloaded from the Internet. Cheating and plagiarism are serious offenses that can result in your failing the course, and will be immediately reported to the Dean. University’s policy on academic integrity and the consequences for plagiarism: “Hunter College regards acts of academic dishonesty (e.g., plagiarism, cheating on examinations, obtaining unfair advantage, and falsification of records and official documents) as serious offenses against the values of intellectual honesty.” The college is committed to enforcing the CUNY Policy on Academic Integrity and will pursue cases of academic dishonesty according to the Hunter College Academic Integrity Procedures.

Deadlines and Extensions: All assignments are due on the date specified in the syllabus regardless of absence. Extensions may be granted in extenuating circumstances, and at the discretion of the instructor. Students who fail to submit the assignment on the new due date will receive an F for that assignment.

  • Clear writing that is edited and in APA formatting is a must. If you’d like support to strengthen your writing contact Christopher Hartley, Director:, of the Silberman writing program.
  • Naming of files: Last name _ Submission Date. Example: Oswald_MonthDayYear

 Late Registration: Students who enroll in class during the late registration period or add/drop period are responsible for making up any missed class work or assignments.

Attendance & Participation

  1. Make an effort to participate in class discussions, both in small groups, large-class discussions, and on the course site.
  2. On-time class attendance is required (no more than three absences, excused or unexcused).
  3. Lateness and unexcused absence will reduce your participation grade.
  4. Please inform professor via email if you will not be in class and make plans to make up missed work if necessary.
  5. Classes missed for religious reasons are excused. Please inform the professor in advance so that a plan can be made to make up the missed work if necessary. 

 Hunter College School of Social Work Attendance Policy

Class attendance is a requirement of the program. Excessive absence will affect course grades. Students should discuss any unavoidable absence with instructors and clarify the potential impact of absences on the grade for the course.

Hunter College Catalogue: Pages 71 & 72

Class Attendance: All students must report to classes during the first week of classes. Students will losetheir place in some classes if they do not attend the first class meeting. (See, for example, the “Notes” forbiology and chemistry in the Schedule of Classes.) The instructor has the right to set attendancerequirements for the course, to keep attendance records, and to consider attendance in the calculation offinal grades. Such attendance policies will be listed in the course syllabus. Students may not use absencefrom class as an excuse for not fulfilling all course requirements.

Religious holiday policy: Any student who is unable, because of his/her religious beliefs, to attend classeson a particular day or days shall, because of such absence, be excused. It is necessary to inform theprofessor in advance so that a plan can be made to make up the work missed as a result of the absence(s).

The rationale for the above language is from an excerpt from the School of Social Work’s catalogue on our web site:

Student Rights Concerning Religious Observances

Education Law Section 224-a, stating the rights and privileges of students unable to attend classes oncertain days because of religious beliefs, appears below, as mandated by State law:

  • Noperson shall be expelled from or refused admission as a student for the reason that he/she is unable, because of religious beliefs, to attend classes or participate in any examination, study or work requirements on a particular day or 
  • Any student who is unable, because of his/her religious beliefs, to attend classes on a particular day or days shall, because of such absence, be excused from any examination or any study or work
  • It shall be the responsibility of the faculty and the administrative officials to make available to each student who is absent from school, because of his/her religious beliefs, an equivalent opportunity to make up any examination, study or work requirement which may have been missed because of such absence on any particular day or No fees of any kind shall be charged for making available to the said student such equivalent opportunity.
  • In effectuating the provisions of this section, it shall be the duty of the faculty and of the administrative officials to exercise the fullest measure of good No adverse or prejudicial effects shall result to any student who avails himself/herself of the provisions of this section.
  • Studentswho are aggrieved by the alleged failure of any faculty or administration officials to comply in good faith with the provisions of this section shall be entitled to maintain an action or proceeding in the supreme court of the county in which the institution is located for the enforcement of their rights under this



In compliance with the CUNY Policy on Sexual Misconduct, Hunter College reaffirms the prohibition of any sexual misconduct, which includes sexual violence, sexual harassment, and gender-based harassment retaliation against students, employees, or visitors, as well as certain intimate relationships. Students who have experienced any form of sexual violence on or off campus (including CUNY-sponsored trips and events) are entitled to the rights outlined in the Bill of Rights for Hunter College.

  1. Sexual Violence: Students are strongly encouraged to immediately report the incident by calling 911, contacting NYPD Special Victims Division Hotline (646-610-7272) or their local police precinct, or contacting the College’s Public Safety Office (212-772-4444).

  2. All Other Forms of Sexual Misconduct: Students are also encouraged to contact the College’s Title IX Campus Coordinator, Dean John Rose (jtrose@hunter.cuny.eduor 212-650-3262) or Colleen Barry ( or 212-772-4534) and seek complimentary services through the Counseling and Wellness Services Office, Hunter East 1123.

CUNY Policy on Sexual Misconduct Link:


The Office of AccessABILITY provides accommodations in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990 and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. The students who are eligible for reasonable accommodations during classroom, testing, and or internships include those with any psychiatric, physical, learning, medical or temporary conditions that limits their overall academic functioning. All information is kept confidential and only released with the student’s written permission. 

If you have any of the conditions listed above, or you are not sure if you qualify for accommodations, please contact the office for further information and a meeting with a counselor. Please note, in order to receive an accommodation, you must provide current and appropriate documentation.  Registering early in the semester with the Office of AccessABILITY will ensure your accommodations in a timely manner so your condition won’t affect your academic progress. The office is located in room East 1214 of Hunter College at 68th Street, phone: (212) 772-4857.  fax: (212) 650-3449. VP: (646-755-3129).

 Hunter College Academic Integrity/Dishonesty

Academic integrity is a guiding principle of the Hunter College learning community because all students should have the opportunity to learn and perform on a level playing field.

Academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to, cheating, plagiarism, obtaining an unfair advantage, and falsifying records or documents (see examples) whether intentional or not.

Hunter College upholds the right to promote academic integrity on its campus as an educational institution of the City University of New York. The College has the responsibility to review all charges of academic dishonesty and implement sanctions, including, but not limited to, failing the course, official transcript notation, suspension or expulsion from the College when it has been determined that academic dishonesty did occur. Please click here to see a full list of disciplinary sanctions. For more information on Hunter College’s Academic Integrity Policy, please click here.

Professional Code of Conduct

Students are expected to comply with the College’s policies and regulations outlined in the Campus Code of Conduct.

In accordance with the emphasis on ethical conduct in the social work profession, students are expected to incorporate the highest ethical standards in every element of their work and to conduct themselves in ways that manifest the maturity and emotional stability necessary to function as professionals. Examples of poor academic performance and misconduct that will subject the student to disciplinary action or dismissal from the program include the following:

  1. Violations of the College policy on Academic Integrity (e.g., plagiarism).
  2. Behavior determined to be a violation of College or School policies or regulations.
  3. Behavior determined to be a violation of the profession’s ethics (e.g., the NASW Code of Ethics).
  4. Behaviors that do not meet professional expectations and standards, which include generally accepted standards of professional conduct, personal integrity, or emotional stability.
  5. Behaviors determined to be unprofessional conduct towards colleagues, faculty, or staff.

Course Assignments & Basis for Grading

Credit for the course will be based on (a) conducting and transcribing a qualitative interview; (b) analyzing and re-presenting interview data; (c) three statistics assignments; (d) one brief written assignment: statistics manifesto; (e) class participation and attendance.

Participation Grade: (20 pts)

Each class that you attend on-time with active participation: 1 point. Expectation is that class is that everyone will arrive to the class meeting space by 11:00AM. Class will begin at 11:05AM and end at 12:50PM. Part of your participation grade will include an informal end-of-the-year presentation on what you learned in this course and how you anticipate using research in your future career as a social worker. 

Generating and Transcribing a Qualitative Interview (25 pts)
Due before class on March 2

This assignment can be done one of two ways.

  1. As a class, we could critically examine a social issue that “we” as a community are grappling with, for example, the meaning of being an MSW student during the COVID-19 pandemic; feelings of exploitation associated with unpaid internships; the licensure exam explored through a critical race theory lens. We would co-create an interview guide with a few questions to ask each other about your distinct experiences as students and aspiring social workers related an injustice of our choosing. Students will be grouped in pairs or groups of three and each student will conduct an individual interview on someone in the class.
  2. In small groups, you could work on a research project of mutual interest that may or may not build from your work last semester. For this assignment, you would co-create an interview guide related to your topic of interest and each interview someone who holds the necessary information to answer your research questions. This may or may not be someone from the class.

Interviews will occur via telephone or Zoom and should last approximately 30-minutes in duration. The interviews will be audio recorded (you can use software on your computer (i.e., Zoom), phone, or other recording device) and transcribed verbatim by the student (see Inqscribe for transcription software to expedite the process

You will be required to upload the interview transcript to the course site “Assignments” page and bring a copy to class for multiple “hands-on” qualitative data analysis exercises that will occur during subsequent classes.

Interpreting and Re-presenting Qualitative Data (25 pts)
Due before class on March 23

In small groups, working with the interview transcripts generated earlier in the semester, students will be expected to analyze data using qualitative data analysis methods described in the readings, videos, and class discussions (i.e., coding/categorizing, Creative Analytic Practices). For this assignment, you will (1) describe your analytic method and how you came to your conclusions; (2) interpret the data and re-present it in a way that honors the dignity and voice of your participant(s); (3) offer implications for social work research, policy, practice, and/or education; (4) provide a brief personal reflection on the process of generating, analyzing, and re-presenting qualitative data. You will be required to upload the assignment to the course site “Assignments” page.

Three Statistics Handouts (30 pts)
Due before class on April 27, May 4, May 11

For the quantitative portion of this course, we will cover descriptive statistics, t-tests, and chi-square analyses using R open-source statistical software. You will be expected to complete three homework assignments each valued at 10% of your final grade. We will cover core concepts covered in class that are asked in the homework assignments the week before the assignment is due. You will be required to upload the statistics handouts to the course site “Assignments” page.


The grading system is Credit, No Credit and Honors (for truly superlative work). All aspects of performance must be creditable for a student to receive a grade of Credit.  See Assignments for more details.

The following is a summary of grading criteria:

  • Honors
    This grade is given only for consistent, outstanding achievement in understanding, originality, and advanced performance in the subject matter and applied skills taught in the courses.  Honors are considered above a grade of A.  Evidence for this level of work will come from written assignments, class participation and presentations, online participation, and individual conferences.
  • Credit
    This grade is given on the basis of written assignments, class participation and presentations, oline participation and individual conferences demonstrating mastery of skills, and evidence of a grasp of the subject matter content.
  • No Credit
    This grade is given on evidence of written assignments, class participation and examinations that demonstrating absence of mastery of basic course content course content. (See the Hunter College School of Social Work Student Handbook for additional regarding repeating required courses, prerequisites and elective courses).

 Letter Grade

Requests for letter grades in lieu of these categories must be submitted to the instructor in writing (i.e., the School’s form for letter grade requests) no later than the end of the second week of the semester.  The form must be signed and then filed with the School.  Once a letter grade is requested, no change to credit/no credit will be permitted.

A grade of “B-” (B minus) is a failing grade at the graduate level.

Course Competency Outcomes

Educational Policy and Accreditation Standards (EPAS)

Practice Behavior


2.1.3—Apply critical thinking to inform and communicate professional judgments.

PB 1. Collect and interpret information from multiple sources of data.

PB 2. Examine new models of assessment, prevention, intervention, and evaluation.

PB 3. Based on integration of multiple sources of knowledge, propose new models of assessment, prevention, intervention, and evaluation.

Students will gain competency in these PBs through the class discussions, qualitative and quantitative data analyses assignments, and research paper assignment.

2.1.6 Engage in research-informed practice and practice-informed research.

PB4: Use practice experience to inform scientific inquiry.

PB5: Use research evidence to inform practice.

Students will gain competency in these PBs through the class discussions, qualitative and quantitative data analyses assignments, and research paper assignment.

2.1.10(d)— evaluate with individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities.

PB6: Contribute to the theoretical knowledge base of the social work profession through practice-based research

Students will gain competency in these PBs through class discussions, qualitative and quantitative data analyses assignments, and research paper assignment.